Beetroot and Cashew Dip

This dip is delicious, super easy and great for entertaining. So no need for the plastic tub variety 😋

Ingredients from WP:

– 1 cup of unsalted cashews, soaked overnight

– 1/4 cup sunflower seeds, soaked overnight

– 2.5 tbs balsamic vinegar

– A pinch of salt

– 3 tbs of olive oil

Ingredients from elsewhere:

– 3-4 small beetroots, cooked/roasted


* you can use a food processor or a stick blender

– Blend up beetroots for about 1 min

– Add in cashews, sunflower seeds, vinegar and salt, blend until the desired consistency

– Add 2 tbs of olive oil and mix

– Spoon into a serving bowl and garnish with remaining olive oil, some extra sunflower seeds and maybe some parsley

Enjoy with our Nordic crackers or crusty chunks of bread!