Wasteless Ways: The Beautiful Pantry

“When you can find beauty in the mundane, that is where happiness lies.”

There may be more to life than a wasteless pantry.  There may be more beautiful things than a pantry which contains no advertising and instead only produce that will sustain and comfort you.  There may even be more satisfying things to do than to remove the rubbish from your pantry and replace it with organised shelves filled with goodness. But then I guess that depends on your perspective.

Whichever way you lean it is easy to see how a wasteless pantry aids in creating the life you want.

Here are just a few reasons:

  1. An organised pantry means that you save time, money and food by not buying doubles that then expire before you use them.
  2. Sealed containers minimise bug infestations and food going stale.
  3. It is easier to track what you need when you can see the contents of your staple containers decreasing.
  4. As you can easily find food in your pantry, it is easier to plan meals from what you already have.
  5. When you look at your organised pantry you are more likely to be inspired to cook from scratch all the goodies you have already on hand, instead of giving up and ordering takeout.
  6. You are more likely to be able to avoid preservatives, have fresher staples on hand and will be able to control the content of the food you eat.  Less sugar, less processed food, less allergy risk, less unknown entities in your food.
  7. Once you have transitioned to containers you will find it much easier to keep your pantry clean, tidy and in good working order.
  8. It will be easier for others to help you in the kitchen!!!
  9. Wasteless pantry items take up less space and have the potential to become full of a greater variety of food.

There are far more reasons than that but it gives you a starting point.

A wasteless pantry is more than being about waste.

It is about living a sustainable, simpler and easier existence; filling your life only with those good things you choose.

Head over to the Facebook page and let us know your reason for wanting a wasteless pantry, or share a picture to inspire others!

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2 thoughts on “Wasteless Ways: The Beautiful Pantry

  1. What a terrific website!

    Such a fresh theme and your images and word phrases really do inspire positive anticipation to your wonderful store opening!!

    I especially love the header you have across the top with ‘Don’t buy advertising just buy food’, Waste Less Live More and the use of ‘rot’ with your ‘re’ words – very clever!

    Your blog post reminded me of some fun my Sister and I had one afternoon. Thought you might enjoy…


    Hope I get a chance to visit before we head back to the East, I will follow your progress via Facebook. (Thought any more about instagram yet! 🙂 )

    Wishing you both the best of luck,

    – Shea

    1. I’m looking forward to reading all your stories as soon as I get a minute… I would love for you to visit! Keen to get Instagram up and running – will keep you posted 😛

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