Sustainable Shaving Solutions: Switch to Reusable Safety Razors

Looking for sustainable shaving solutions? Switching to reusable safety razors from Wasteless Pantry is a step towards sustainable grooming. Unlike disposable razors, these durable alternatives reduce waste and offer a closer shave. Pairing them with a shaving puck, instead of aerosol creams, enhances this eco-friendly experience. Blades need changing depending on usage, ensuring optimal performance. Used blades can be collected and recycled, aligning with eco-conscious practices. This choice not only elevates your shaving routine but also significantly diminishes your environmental footprint.

How to Use a Safety Razor:

  1. Prepare Your Skin: Use warm water to soften your skin and hair. This makes shaving smoother.
  2. Use the Shaving Puck: Wet the shaving brush, swirl it on the puck to create a rich lather, and apply it to your skin. This replaces aerosol creams, reducing waste.
  3. Shaving: Hold the safety razor at a 30-degree angle to your skin. Use short, light strokes without applying pressure, and shaving with the grain rather than against it.

Blade Replacement: Depending on your shaving frequency and hair coarseness, replace blades when the shave feels rough or uncomfortable.

Recycling Blades: Collect used blades in a metal container. Once full, seal it and label it as ‘sharps.’ Check with local recycling centers for disposal options.

Switching to a reusable safety razor can significantly reduce waste, potentially replacing hundreds of disposable razors over its lifetime. The exact number depends on how frequently you shave and replace disposable razors, but considering the lifespan of a quality reusable razor and the durability of its blades, the environmental impact is profound.

How to Make a Sustainable Mocha & Vanilla Body Scrub Using Bulk Ingredients

In the world of beauty and self-care, sustainability is more than just a buzzword—it’s a necessary shift in how we approach our daily routines. This was the theme of our recent Body Scrub Workshop, where we introduced a delightful Mocha & Vanilla Body Scrub recipe. This recipe not only promises a luxurious skincare experience but also stands as a testament to reducing beauty packaging waste by utilizing ingredients from Wasteless Pantry, a bulk food store.

Why Choose Bulk Ingredients for Beauty?

Opting for bulk ingredients from stores like Wasteless Pantry serves a dual purpose. Firstly, it significantly reduces packaging waste, contributing to a more sustainable environment. Secondly, it allows you to get just the right amount of each ingredient, ensuring freshness and reducing waste.

Sustainable Mocha & Vanilla Body Scrub Recipe

This recipe is a fantastic way to repurpose your coffee grounds after enjoying your morning brew. Coffee grounds are known for their excellent exfoliating properties and can help rejuvenate the skin by removing dead skin cells. Here’s how you can make this eco-friendly body scrub:


  • 3 Tbsp used coffee grounds, drained and cooled
  • 5 Tbsp raw sugar
  • 2 Tbsp coconut sugar
  • 2 Tbsp melted coconut oil
  • 3 Tbsp fine salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla powder
  • 1 tsp cacao powder


  1. Combine the Dry Ingredients: In a bowl, mix the coffee grounds, raw sugar, coconut sugar, fine salt, vanilla powder, and cacao powder. These ingredients not only exfoliate but also bring their unique benefits. For example, the caffeine in coffee grounds can tighten the skin, while cacao powder is rich in antioxidants.
  2. Add the Coconut Oil: Melt the coconut oil and mix it into the dry ingredients. Coconut oil is excellent for moisturizing and has anti-inflammatory properties, making it perfect for sensitive skin.
  3. Mix Thoroughly: Ensure all the ingredients are well combined. The mixture should have a gritty texture, perfect for exfoliation.
  4. Store Properly: Transfer your body scrub to an airtight container. You can reuse an old beauty product jar, further contributing to the zero-waste initiative.

Using Your Mocha & Vanilla Body Scrub

To use, gently rub a small amount of the scrub on your skin in a circular motion, then rinse. It’s suitable for use once or twice a week, leaving your skin feeling refreshed, smooth, and rejuvenated.


This Mocha & Vanilla Body Scrub is more than just a skincare product; it’s a statement in support of sustainable beauty practices. By choosing ingredients from Wasteless Pantry, you’re not just caring for your skin—you’re also taking a step towards a more sustainable and waste-free world.

Remember, sustainable beauty is about making small changes that add up to a significant impact. Try this recipe and feel good not only about how your skin feels but also about the choices you’re making for our planet.

Create Your Own DIY Natural Lip Balm Recipe

Discover the joys of making your own DIY natural lip balm recipe using high-quality ingredients from Wasteless Pantry. This DIY project not only nurtures your lips but also embraces eco-friendly practices. Here’s how you can create a soothing, moisturizing lip balm at home:

Ingredients (makes 100g of lip balm):

  • 40g Virgin coconut oil
  • 30g Beeswax
  • 10g Shea butter
  • 15g Cacao butter
  • 4g Jojoba oil
  • Optional: Beetroot or cacao powder for tint, essential oils for scent
  • 10 small balm jars or tins


  1. Melt Ingredients: Combine the coconut oil, beeswax, shea butter, cacao butter, and jojoba oil in a small saucepan. Gently melt them together over low heat, stirring occasionally.
  2. Customize: Once melted, you can add natural tints or scents such as a pinch of beetroot or cacao powder, or a drop of your favorite essential oil.
  3. Pour and Set: Carefully pour the mixture into the balm jars or tins. Allow them to cool and set at room temperature.

Benefits of Shopping at Wasteless Pantry: Purchasing your DIY lip balm ingredients from Wasteless Pantry has numerous benefits. By buying in bulk, you reduce unnecessary packaging and minimize waste, contributing to a healthier environment. Wasteless Pantry’s commitment to providing organic and sustainable products ensures that what you apply on your skin is free from harmful chemicals, supporting both your health and the planet.

This simple DIY project is not just a craft—it’s a step towards more sustainable living. Enjoy crafting your own lip balm that’s as good for the earth as it is for your lips!

Disposable Razor Recycling

Recycling disposable razors and their packaging is now more accessible than ever through Wasteless Pantry’s partnership with Terracycle. This initiative allows you to dispose of any brand of used razor blades and their packaging responsibly, contributing to significant environmental benefits.

What Can Be Recycled?

  • All brands of blades and razors, including refillable and disposable products, as well as replaceable-blade cartridge units.
  • Rigid and flexible plastic packaging associated with these products.

Recycling Process: Once collected, these items are sent to Terracycle where the razors and packaging are separated by material type. Plastics are cleaned and pelletized to be recycled into new products, while metal components are smelted and converted into new alloys. This process ensures that these materials are reused in manufacturing, reducing the need for virgin materials and minimizing waste.

Sustainable Alternatives: For those looking to reduce their environmental impact further, Wasteless Pantry offers reusable razors available both in-store and online. Additionally, consider switching to an electric razor or epilator for a long-term hair removal solution that minimizes waste over time. These devices can serve for many years and eventually be recycled as e-waste.

Why Recycle at Wasteless Pantry? Recycling through Wasteless Pantry not only helps reduce landfill waste but also supports a circular economy. By choosing to recycle your disposable razors here, you’re taking an active step towards sustainability and supporting initiatives that make recycling easier and more effective.

For more information on recycling other items, check out Wasteless Pantry’s Specialist Recycling page, where you can find details on recycling a wide range of products responsibly.

Meet the Maker: Scarlet Eve

💚 Introducing Scarlet Eve 💚⠀

We thought you might like to get to know some of our amazing local suppliers, so we had a chat with Simone who sews the most comfortable personal hygiene reusables…

My awareness of environmental issues began in primary school. I remember the effect it had on me when I learned about the impact we were having on the planet, and how we could try to make things better. My efforts to live more sustainably became more of a focus when I was pregnant with my first child. Being part of the Modern Cloth Nappies community opened up a whole new world of ways to reduce waste day-to-day. MCNs naturally led me to Reusable Menstrual products, and I began sewing cloth pads for Scarlet Eve.

At Scarlet Eve, my purpose is to make and supply comfortable, quality products that will last with years of use. I source supplies locally to Western Australia and Australia where possible. I try to minimize packaging and aim for reusable packaging. I use as much of the fabrics as possible – offcuts from Menstrual Pads are used for other reusable items such as Face Wipes and Breast Pads.

I enjoy working with Wasteless Pantry because I feel like we share a common vision – to provide people with ways to reduce their waste and live more sustainably. It’s great for local businesses to support each other! It can be overwhelming trying to live completely waste-free.

My waste-free tip would be to do what you can when you can. Make small changes and build on them.

Zero Waste Starter Guide

It’s a New Year and another opportunity to get cracking on reducing your waste with Wasteless Pantry‘s Zero Waste Starter Guide. I love the enthusiasm that is generated from the calendar ticking over to January 1st, and all the new habits and resolutions that are inspired!

Step 1: Bin Audit

Starting with some ideas about what goes into your bin is the best first step. So as gross as it sounds, you are going to need to pay attention to what is going into your bin. If it’s a shared bin then it gets trickier and so picking a not too hot day/week to pull it all out on a tarp or the lawn is a confronting and informative way to find out exactly what has been hiding in there.

Group all the bits and bobs into as many categories as is useful to you:

Landfill – stuff that has no other place to go like disposable nappies and random little bits of plastic.

Compostable – think food waste, tissues, paper towels, hair from your hairbrush and dust out of the vacuum.

Recyclable – all the things that go in your yellow top bin.

Specialist recyclable – things like batteries, ink cartridges, toothbrushes, globes, spectacles, razors, mobile phones, e-waste and paint.

Step 2: Collection Bins

Now that you have figured out what you are dealing with, it’s time to make sure that you have all your collection bins sorted. Maybe you have only had a landfill bin in the house and so that is where everything has been going. Or maybe you figured out that you don’t actually know what goes in your yellow top recycling bin. Perhaps, your compost bin wasn’t cutting it as it was too big or too small and so nobody wanted to use it. Whatever you learnt, what is your solution?

In our house, we have a landfill bin, compost bucket and recycling bin in the Kitchen, Bathroom and Study/Office. We have a little battery collection bin in the draw with the new batteries. I pop bread tags, ink cartridges, used pens and toothbrushes into the shopping bag I take to Wasteless Pantry so that I can remember to drop them off each week. I put globes in my car for dropping off at the Sports Centre I go to. We have a box in the shed to collect any e-waste as that only gets dropped off about once a year.

Make it easy to collect your specialist recycling!

Think about putting all the information about what goes in each Collection Bin on it so that everyone can make good choices. And make sure to let the whole household know where they all are!

Step 3: Use What You Have

At this point, you might be rearing to go get all the cool zero waste gear so that you can tick the box of feeling wasteless. Hold your horses!

We would love you to instead use up all the products and food you have first before you think about getting anything new. With the exception of expired products and food which needs to be disposed of, it is usually best to just swap things out as you finish them up. Good reasons for this are that:

  • Saves money
  • Prevents waste
  • Reduces clutter
  • More gradual change is usually easier to keep up long term

So instead of going out and getting new containers, reuse jars and takeaway containers. Instead of getting shampoo bars, use up the last of all your shampoo samples and leftovers first. Instead of buying a fancy BYO coffee cup, take one from home. And yes, we want you to use up all the food in packets in your pantry, fridge and freezer too.

Anything that has passed it’s used by date could be a risk to your safety, but anything past it’s best before you can use your common sense as most likely it is just not quite as flavoursome and delicious as it was before.

Step 4: Gently Make a Change

Find one thing at a time to change.

Pick one area you’d like to wasteless and just start there.

When that is easy and hard for you not to do, then do the next thing.

Slow and steady, you’ll get there!

If you need more tips, pop into Wasteless Pantry and have a chat.

Eco-Friendly DIY Coffee Body Scrub

Revitalize your skincare routine with a homemade DIY Coffee Body Scrub, a perfect blend of natural ingredients that not only pampers your skin but also embraces eco-conscious living. This scrub is designed to exfoliate, nourish, and rejuvenate your skin using ingredients you can easily find at Wasteless Pantry.


  • 1/2 cup of brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup of coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup of coffee grounds
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • Optional: Add honey or shea butter for extra hydration


  1. Mix Ingredients: Combine the brown sugar, coconut oil, coffee grounds, and vanilla extract in a bowl. If desired, add honey or shea butter to enhance the moisturizing properties of your scrub.
  2. Store: Transfer the mixture into an airtight container to maintain its freshness.

Benefits of Each Ingredient for Your Skin:

  • Coffee Grounds: Rich in antioxidants, coffee grounds help to fight skin aging and improve blood circulation, reducing cellulite.
  • Brown Sugar: A natural humectant, brown sugar draws moisture into the skin and serves as a gentle exfoliant.
  • Coconut Oil: Known for its moisturizing properties, coconut oil hydrates and soothes the skin, leaving it soft and supple.
  • Vanilla Extract: Adds a calming aroma and contains anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe irritated skin.

Environmental Impact: Using spent coffee grounds in your body scrub not only diverts food waste from landfills but also provides a sustainable way to enhance your beauty regimen. By repurposing coffee grounds, you reduce environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle.

Benefits of Shopping at Wasteless Pantry: Wasteless Pantry promotes sustainability by offering bulk purchase options that help reduce packaging waste. By sourcing ingredients like coffee grounds, coconut oil, and brown sugar from Wasteless Pantry, you support eco-friendly practices and reduce your carbon footprint, all while enjoying high-quality products.

Cinnamon Lip Scrub Recipe

Check out this lip scrub recipe! Lip scrubs have become a staple in skincare routines, providing an easy way to remove flakes and dead skin cells from your lips. Exfoliating regularly helps improve the texture and appearance of your lips, leaving them smoother and softer. Plus, it enhances the effectiveness of lip balms, allowing the moisture to penetrate deeper into the skin, giving you lasting hydration.

By using a lip scrub like this DIY cinnamon version, you can prevent chapped lips, promote better lipstick application, and achieve a more polished, radiant look. Made from natural ingredients that you can purchase in bulk from Wasteless Pantry, this lip scrub is both eco-friendly and effective.

Cinnamon Lip Scrub Recipe


  • 2 tsp cinnamon powder
  • 1 tbsp honey (or aloe vera for a vegan option)
  • 1 tbsp olive oil or coconut oil
  • 4 tbsp brown or raw sugar


  1. In a small bowl, combine the cinnamon powder, honey, olive or coconut oil, and sugar.
  2. Stir until the ingredients form a grainy paste. Adjust the consistency by adding more sugar for a coarser scrub or more oil for a softer texture.
  3. Transfer the scrub into an airtight container to store. It can be kept at room temperature and used as needed.
  4. To use, apply a small amount of the scrub to your lips. Gently massage it in using circular motions for about 1-2 minutes.
  5. Rinse off with warm water and follow up with a nourishing lip balm to lock in moisture.

Use this lip scrub once or twice a week for the best results, and your lips will stay soft, smooth, and perfectly prepped for any lip balm or lipstick.

Benefits of Buying Ingredients from Wasteless Pantry

At Wasteless Pantry, we provide high-quality, bulk ingredients like cinnamon, honey, sugar, and oils—everything you need to make this scrub, minus the waste. By purchasing these ingredients in bulk, you can reduce packaging waste and only buy what you need. Plus, our eco-friendly store ensures that your skincare routine is sustainable without sacrificing quality.

Shopping with us not only helps you live a more sustainable lifestyle but also gives you access to fresh, locally sourced ingredients that are better for both you and the environment. Small changes, like making your own lip scrub using bulk ingredients, can have a significant impact on reducing waste.

Cleansing Rose Face Mask Recipe

Taking care of your skin doesn’t have to involve harsh chemicals or wasteful packaging with this cleansing rose face mask recipe. A simple, natural face mask can work wonders for cleansing your skin, and the best part? You can make it right at home using ingredients available at Wasteless Pantry. This gentle rose face mask, made with white kaolin clay and rose water, is perfect for soothing and cleansing your skin while giving you a relaxing self-care moment.

Cleansing Rose Face Mask Recipe


  • 1 tablespoon of clay
  • A few drops of rose water


  1. Prepare the Rose Water
    If you’re making your own rose water, start by simmering fresh rose petals in water for about 20 minutes. Once done, strain the petals and set the rose-infused water aside to cool. You’ll only need a few drops for the mask, so store the rest for future skincare use.
  2. Mix the Mask
    In a small bowl, combine 1 tablespoon of white kaolin clay with a few drops of rose water (or plain water). Stir the mixture until it reaches a smooth, paste-like consistency. You may need to adjust the amount of water slightly, adding more or less to get the right texture. Make sure there are no clumps of clay left in the mixture.
  3. Apply the Mask
    Using a brush or your fingertips, apply the mask evenly to your face. Avoid the delicate eye area. Let the mask sit for about 15 minutes, allowing the clay to work its magic by drawing out impurities from your skin.
  4. Rinse Off
    After 15 minutes, rinse the mask off with lukewarm water, gently massaging your face as you wash. Pat your skin dry with a soft towel and follow up with your favorite moisturizer.

This face mask is ideal for all skin types, especially sensitive or dry skin, as white kaolin clay is known for being gentle yet effective. Use this mask once a week to keep your skin clear, smooth, and radiant.

Why Buy Ingredients from Wasteless Pantry?

At Wasteless Pantry, we provide eco-friendly, packaging-free ingredients like white kaolin clay, making your skincare routine more sustainable. By buying in bulk, you can get just the amount you need, helping reduce packaging waste and ensuring your skincare products are fresh and effective. You can even use bulk ingredients for other DIY skincare recipes, making it easier to live a zero-waste lifestyle while keeping your skin healthy.

Supporting sustainable practices with natural, waste-free ingredients not only benefits your skin but also helps reduce your environmental footprint. Every small choice, like opting for bulk ingredients, contributes to a cleaner, healthier planet.

Rose Petal Bath Salts Recipe

Rose petals are incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of ways, from making rose water to creating a romantic bath setting, or even in cooking and tea. But one of the most soothing ways to use them is by making your own luxurious bath salts. This Rose Petal Bath Salts recipe combines the relaxing benefits of Epsom salts, the beautiful aroma of essential oils, and the delicate touch of rose petals to give you a calming bath experience. Best of all, you can find all the ingredients you need at Wasteless Pantry, helping you minimize waste and create a truly eco-friendly bath product.

Rose Petal Bath Salts Recipe


  • 1 cup Epsom salts (from Wasteless Pantry)
  • 10-20 drops of essential oil (such as lavender, rose, or chamomile)
  • 1/4 cup amber salt (from Wasteless Pantry)
  • 1/2 cup dried rose petals (from Wasteless Pantry)


  1. Mix the Epsom Salt and Essential Oil
    In a glass bowl, combine 1 cup of Epsom salts and 10-20 drops of your favorite essential oil. Stir the mixture well until the oil has been fully absorbed into the salts, ensuring there are no clumps. This step should take about 2-3 minutes.

  2. Add Amber Salt and Rose Petals
    Next, stir in 1/4 cup of amber salt and 1/2 cup of dried rose petals. Mix gently until all the ingredients are well distributed.

  3. Store the Bath Salts
    Once mixed, transfer the bath salts to an airtight glass jar to keep them fresh and fragrant. Store in a cool, dry place. To use, add a handful of the bath salts to warm bathwater and soak in the luxurious, aromatic experience.

These rose petal bath salts not only smell divine but also help to relax your muscles, soften your skin, and soothe your mind. They make an excellent gift or a personal treat for some much-needed self-care.

Why Buy Ingredients from Wasteless Pantry?

When you buy your ingredients from Wasteless Pantry, you’re supporting a zero-waste lifestyle by purchasing in bulk and minimizing unnecessary packaging. You can get high-quality Epsom salts, pink lake salt, and dried rose petals, all without the waste that comes from pre-packaged products. By choosing packaging-free options, you reduce your environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable planet.

Additionally, when you create your own bath salts at home using fresh, locally sourced ingredients, you know exactly what’s going into your product—no added chemicals or preservatives—just pure, natural goodness.

Benefits of Rose Petal Bath Salts

  • Relaxing and Soothing: Epsom salts help relax sore muscles while the essential oils create a calming aroma.
  • Nourishing for the Skin: Amber salt and rose petals gently exfoliate and nourish your skin.
  • Zero Waste: Made with eco-friendly, packaging-free ingredients from Wasteless Pantry, helping reduce plastic waste.