💚 Introducing Dante’s Coffee Roasters 💚
We thought you might like to get to know some of our amazing local suppliers at Wasteless Pantry, so we had a chat with John who locally roasts some of our coffee beans…
Dante’s Coffee Roasters is a small family-owned business but packs a considerable punch with the quality of our Award-winning coffee blends, single origins, organic and decaffeinated coffees.
We are located in Wangara and known all over Perth for our traditionally roasted coffees. The executive team at Dante’s Coffee Roasters is made up of three consummate coffee and business professionals.
Dom is our coffee guru and Angela and John manage the business side of things. The Executive team is supported by the most amazing group of people you could ever meet! From the talented Baristas in the Roastery Cafe to our team of Roasters, Sales, and Customer Support staff.
Sustainability is the life-blood of the coffee roasting industry. Coffee Roasting is both an art and science, and it is important to ensure our coffee supply and roasting processes are sustainable.
There are several ways we minimize our carbon footprint in what otherwise might be a smoky, wasteful, and high emission industry. We reduce our energy usage wherever possible, utilizing natural gas rather than electricity and roasting with state-of-the-art environmentally-friendly equipment which delivers 30% less gas usage compared to other roasting equipment. Our Roasting plant is designed to recycle and recirculate hot air through the roasting drum and then pass the used air after several cycles through a built-in afterburner to minimize emissions and produce a smokeless roasting process. Our efficient roasting process produces very little waste and produces coffee for our customers and their customers to enjoy. However, two types of solid waste that no coffee roaster can avoid is chaff (from roasting) and the hessian coffee sacks that arrive from across the world containing their raw coffee beans. Fortunately, we have a network of people and businesses who gladly receive these products and recycle them and turn them into all sorts of things.
Chaff makes a fine addition to garden compost, adding texture as well as nitrogen. The hessian coffee sacks are also ideal for various applications in farming, fishing, and home use. We are always amazed at the creativity of our collectors. From school sack races to hauling garden waste and used for pets, zoos, and even professional fishing competitions!
The folk at Wasteless Pantry are great to work with and share our passion for the environment and sustainable activity. When Wasteless Pantry approached us to provide them with freshly roasted coffee, but without the wastage of coffee packaging, we had just the right solution! Reuseable food-grade drums are used to transport the coffee from our Roastery directly to the Wasteless Pantry store, and empty drums are brought back to the Roastery for sanitation and reuse.
One waste-free tip?
Did you know that used coffee grounds from your local cafe can be used in your garden compost and as a soil conditioner? The pucks of used coffee grounds provide acidity to your soil making citrus trees, especially, very happy. You should consider making friends with your local barista for an endless supply of coffee grounds 😊