Meet bulk food store Perth owner Jeannie

Meet the famous Jeannie šŸ‘

Hi Iā€™m Jeannie, Iā€™ve been working at Wasteless Pantry with Amanda for 7 years, over 8 if you count the time we spent planning & developing the business. Before WP I was a Paramedic, although my three kids grew up with WP & I donā€™t think they remember me as anything elsešŸ˜† Iā€™m grateful to work with such an awesome team at the bulk food store Perth, we all laugh & work hard together, which makes the day fly by.

I love playing & coaching hockey, running in the bush & visiting the beach. My beautiful native garden is designed to be a habitat, and I grow some veggies & lots of herbs. I love cooking & eating equally, so Iā€™m spoilt with access to all the yummy ingredients at WP.

Favourite zero waste swap from Wasteless Pantry bulk food store Perth?

My original favourite product at WP is the Onya produce bags – Iā€™ve had mine since before WP. When I shop for fresh produce I use them in place of plastic, once I get home the produce gets dunked in a bucket of water to wash, then sits on the dish rack drying, while still in the bag & the water goes to the garden. They double as a wash bag for delicates as well! A Perth-owned company makes them from recycled plastic, by a Perth-owned company. I also love our cleaners from Envirocare. Made in Perth & safe for grey water systems, they eliminate the need for single-use plastic! Oh & the shampoo & conditioner bars… I have too many favourites! youā€™ll have to come in so I can show you them all šŸ˜

My top tips for cutting down waste

Identify what part of your household generates the most waste & start there. For most families, itā€™s the kitchen, laundry & bathroom. Start with one or two items at a time before moving on to the next.

Find an outlet for your food waste & keep it out of your landfill bin – organic waste is a precious resource. Iā€™m lucky to have the space for chickens, but a compost, Bokashi bucket, worm farm or even someone elseā€™s chickens will do, & if you are lucky enough to have a FOGO bin, give your local council a big clap!

Be kind to yourself and celebrate your progress! None of us are perfect, & you are fabulous for making this a priority in life!

Meet the Team: Katie from Mundaring & Bassendean

Meet our newest member of the Wasteless Pantry Mundaring team, KatiešŸŒ»

Hi! My name is Katie, I started shopping at the Wasteless Pantry in March 2020 and joined the lovely WP family in December 2021.

I love going for walks and camping in nature. I play the violin and am looking forward to training as a Veterinary Nurse in the future. I was born and raised in London, UK. Living in a big, busy city, I was concerned with the amount of waste I was contributing to but didnā€™t find much support around waste-free living. When I came to Perth, I heard about the Wasteless Pantry, where the team showed me how easy and possible it is to go waste-free!

My favourite WP product is the bokashi one bucket and bran. It helped make my journey of composting so much easier! I was amazed to find out the majority of my waste at home was compostable! Advice: if youā€™re wanting to reduce your waste, a little bit goes a long way. E.g. recycling, composting, choosing the plastic-free veg in supermarkets. Even just doing one thing that reduces your waste makes a difference and remember to congratulate yourself every time you make a change!

Our team at Wasteless Pantry are always happy to have a chat and answer any questions or concerns you have šŸ™‚

Meet the Team: Belinda from Mundaring & Bassendean

Hi, I’m Belinda and I mostly work at the Wasteless Pantry Mundaring store, but you’ll occasionally find me at the Bassendean store. I’ve been here a bit over 3 years now and still loving it – it’s so nice to work for a place with such a good vibe.

I love to cook, and will often take home new or interesting products in the store just to try them out and see what I think. I’m also big on cooking from scratch, stock, bread, tomato paste, I’ll give anything a shot once. I’m also a birdwatcher and come Summer you’ll find me snorkelling at any given opportunity.

I’m a fan of the detergent bar for washing dishes. It lathers so well and smells great, I reckon it does a better cleaning job than the liquid too. My favourite nibble is the apricot logs – they always seem to hit the spot.

I think the biggest key to heading towards zero waste is the mindset – just stopping and thinking where things come from and where they will go to, and knowing that any little thing you do is better than nothing.

Meet the Team: Amanda from Mundaring

My name is Amanda and I mainly work at Wasteless Pantry Mundaring, although I roam around to all 3 stores.

Can you believe Iā€™ve been working on Wasteless Pantry with Jeannie for 6 years now!

I play netball and love working in my edible garden. Iā€™m pretty keen on technology but still love getting outdoors as much as we can for BBQs, hikes and camping. I also play the flute and am trying to teach myself the piano.

Itā€™s really hard to pin down a favourite WP product, but I think it would have to be the produce bags. Such a simple change to make but it always makes me feel good to whip them out when I go shopping.

My favourite snack at work is the licorice pieces, hits the spot everytime!

My waste free tip is to change one thing until it becomes a habit before you try doing more. If you look in your bin and just pick one easy thing to avoid next time, youā€™ll bank so many small wins that it will be a fun journey. I think the thing people forget is that reducing your waste isnā€™t about denying yourself enjoyment in life, it is just doing things a little differently. Different can be fun too!

Meet the Team at Wasteless Pantry

At Wasteless Pantry, we arenā€™t just businesspeople capitalizing on a trend. Weā€™re locals with a genuine passion for zero-waste living, committed to reducing waste and promoting a sustainable lifestyle. Letā€™s meet the team at Wasteless Pantry who brings this vision to life every day!


Jeannie is a mum, a paramedic, and a local who seems to know everyone! Youā€™ll often find her chatting with regular visitors to the store. Growing up on an orchard, she developed a deep connection to nature. As a keen gardener and chicken keeper, Jeannie is dedicated to sustainable living and is passionate about promoting zero-waste lifestyles. Sheā€™s also a strong advocate for responsibly sourced palm oil.


Amanda, also a mum and local, has a wealth of knowledge in preserving, dehydrating, baking, and growing her own food. A psychologist by trade, Amanda is a passionate locavore and has inspired many customers to switch to eco-friendly products like Diva/Juju menstrual cups and reusable produce bags. Amandaā€™s dedication to zero-waste living is at the heart of the Wasteless Pantryā€™s mission.


Lizzy is our sustainability expert, well-versed in waste reduction strategies and creative kitchen practices like sushi-making. You might recognize her from Facebook, where sheā€™s been seen juggling produce bags. Lizzyā€™s enthusiasm for learning about food, especially our range of rices and spices, makes her a go-to person for all your bulk shopping needs.


If you need advice on gluten-free, raw, or paleo diets, Jade is your person! Studying health coaching, she brings a practical approach to various dietary needs, making it easier for customers to find the right sustainable options.


James is a violinist studying Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology. His interest in waste reduction was sparked by his familyā€™s enthusiasm for zero-waste living. James is always eager to help customers and provide a great shopping experience.


Emily, a student of Occupational Therapy, comes from a family that values waste-free living. Sheā€™s building her knowledge of ethical and sustainable business practices and is always happy to help customers who are transitioning to a more eco-friendly lifestyle.

The Wasteless Pantry Difference

At Wasteless Pantry, we are more than just a store. We are part of a community committed to supporting sustainable living. Our team works hard to provide you with eco-friendly products and zero-waste solutions, all while keeping the store as low-waste as possible. When you shop with us, youā€™re not just reducing wasteā€”youā€™re supporting a local business that cares about the planet.

We love hearing your feedback and suggestions to help us grow! With every product and service, we strive to make sustainable living accessible and achievable for everyone.